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☽°⫷ᏖђΞ Ꮙ۞ÎÐ⫸°☾さんのイラストまとめ

#TheVoid #Lovecraftian #Horrorfans #Cosmichorror #Rituals #Madness #Chaos #Darkness #DarkArt #Nightmares #Creatures #Demons #Cultist #Witchcraft #Pagan

フォロー数:45 フォロワー数:3636

I am the queen of magic and the twilight of the moon, hidden in the deepest night. I am the mystery of the other world and the fear that writhes over your heart at the time of the judgments.

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If you know of monsters,
and if you know of demons,
Then just remember
they know of you too,
And they fear you
because you are the dragon
that can overcome them.

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How easy it is to talk about the gods but what a complex it is to understand them, because when they speak they are what they are expected to be and when they seek to understand them they are merely interpretations.

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This is an individual, personal path, which requires a lot of work, almost daily, but before getting into the path, learn the basics of magic, the rest inspire you the Gods.

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You will not get anywhere in magic or in life without a robust relationship with the Lord of Crossroads in one form or another.

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As a revelation of arcane ignorance, made of the germ of the tender itself, you are a mystery to the human mystery that clarifies in you its gem where life wanted to show its eternal prodigy so that in you I could see paradise.

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The way she stood in front of me, like the true personification of beauty, with her straight hair, made me feel dismayed and helpless before her spell.

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Not that I was terrified to contemplate horrible things, but that I was terrified of not seeing anything.

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Life is only a vision, a dream. Nothing exists except empty space and you, and you are nothing more than a thought.

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