

ShadOuge are the only one's I'm welcoming ever other ship GET THE FUCk OUT OF HERE!!!!!

フォロー数:905 フォロワー数:1684

I love this pic I was feeling down and I needed something to pick me up

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Sonic's STILL meeting Female Sonic part 5 or whatever number I lost track at...

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I still need more practice with this painting stuff.

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Shadow: what's there to fear? My dear...

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Well you can start by making these 2 do that

1 5

I so hope the Sexy Wrestler woman will be in this game. Also is this going to be the first ever(as far as I know) Open world free-roming Fighting game?

0 53

Oh yeah, I did drew her didn't I thanks for reminding me

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This is just Fem-sonic she's not meeting anyone in this time.

4 23

I how's this I even made the M. Emerald upside down too.

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