

Aussie Shepdawg • Adventure Pupper • Master of Foldy-Paws • Purveyor of 🎾s• 🌵 • 👔:@Zuri_Studios

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...For me I studied towards a specific profession but eventually realised I didn’t enjoy the work.

Deciding to stray from the safe and pursue something new was super scary. There were definitely testing periods when I thought I’d made a huge mistake...

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So... I really like what I do now and sometimes I get moments of warm fuzzy work orientated feelings of fulfilment.

But it wasn’t always this way and I’ve certainly not walked a conventional career path by any means...

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Totally speechless at this wonderfully thoughtful postcard painting from ! Thank you! ❤️


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🎾 🐶 🎾 🐕 🎾 🤪

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Thank you for this fantastically cute icon, perfectly depicting the essence of Arco! 😊

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I feel there’s so much expectation in society to take a specific path or be a particular way. We can forget to think about what actually makes us happy.

I’ve never been someone afraid of adopting change and the different paths have all offered interesting life perspectives...

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Over time the little things start to add up and I begin to see a difference, especially looking back through the years.

I often have to remind myself life is definitely more of a marathon than a sprint. It’s okay to go at my own pace and value my personal happiness...

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Some days I get really overwhelmed by work and life goals. There’s so much I want to accomplish and I need my life to mean something.

It’s so easy to stumble and be distracted but I try my best to work at something every day. No matter small or big, physical or mental...

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