

Art Account: @ArtCrepes

フォロー数:1745 フォロワー数:7124

On a positive note, the boy can actually smile now! Both screenshots are from the Majin Vegeta sacrifice cutscene, and left is before and right is after.

1 39

Send me reaction pics, I might just do something.

2 28

average day on the server LMAO

10 84

Thank you for being there since day one my guy!

0 4

Back when I used to use SFM and we had no way to rip the in-game normals. Simpler times... glad we're past it though LMAO. These messages are from 2018 and early 2019, yikes. We all start somewhere I suppose!

9 80

For the renders, they do flip the models the right way, but that doesn't seem to be the case for Baby. They forgot to flip his model before making the render, and so, his hair is drooping on the wrong side in the render, hahaha. (2/2)

2 32

these edibles ain't shi-

21 213

Here you guys go! Baby's render from the game files!

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