

all opinions are utterances under divine possession by Apollo while in a frenzied state produced by vapors rising from the chasm in the rocks || ♿️💖💜💙she/her

フォロー数:1199 フォロワー数:5367

I’m never going to be over the fact that someone just dumped this dumb baby outside when all he wants is to hug someone.

0 43

Breaking News: Local Weirdo Insists On Wedging Self In Smaller Cat Bed Despite Larger Bed Being 3’ Away

4 82

The only thing stopping me from being 1000% obsessed with this game right now is the fact that your character is dressed like a slutty fantasy Oxford scholar and I hate it. Why can’t I get a cute military outfit without fishnets like everyone else?

4 61

Being bisexual is wanting to cosplay both these very powerful looks

15 239

Every few months I feel the need to rt this so you too can annoy your dm via your catgirl/boy/folk dreams.

Like, you know? Nya!

11 30

“Wow! Everyone in orlais has really detailed, cool dresses and masks! I can’t wait to see what beautiful unique design the Inquisitor gets to wea-


9 108

I’m never going to forgive vld for ending so badly because Romelle is all around The Best cosplay for me ever, but she was underutilized and everything was a mess so I’m not inclined to wear her out anymore. TRAGIC. Because she and I are ADORABLE.

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Hair success! So pink over my red hair ends up with a very rosy copper. It’s actually not too far from what color it usually is, it just has a touch more pink. I’m excited to see what it’ll look like daylight because my yellow bathroom lights are eating a lot of the pretty pinks.

1 129


I’m really glad cosplay has given me the mentality of “I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m gonna do it anyways 😄” because I’ve never held a colored pencil before but I DID GOOD!

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