

Pixel artist | He/Him |

フォロー数:502 フォロワー数:192

Thanks for the art share pher! I'm Arkus and I enjoy making knights and other assorted weird stuff :D
I'm going to tag: and

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Grumbo: HonoraryKnight. No one is quite sure why this snow golem insists to be a knight, but they can't argue with its results. Grumbo is a fierce warrior wielding a frigid blade of ice, and its raw might.

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Arkus with a mimic arm, set in another universe :D (This was more just a test than actually trying to make a character, but it turned out cool)

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FrostKnight Fenris and his weapon the DisgracedKnights Greatsword. This knight has a cruel lethality when eliminating any undead that may happen to wander into his icy chapel.

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So I decided to do a sort of remake for this character on the left! :D I'm pretty proud of the new one.

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Before I post the compilation, I'd like to post this new piece I made :D His name is GrandKnight Artellis, and I really wanted to try a new pose with this one.

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Hey! Thanks for the art share man :D Here are some of my favourite art pieces I've made.

I'll tag and and

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Guardian of dice, the god of gambling. I decided to do a rather silly piece today because I was bored :D

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Made a cool sword my HollowDrake Knight :D I call it [LightningRod]. For obvious reasons.

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Armour made of the bones of dragons in the form of the HollowDrake Knight. suggested by . Also a duck bee suggested by . (Sorry the bone armor isn't exactly bone armour)

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