Arlen Pavkaさんのプロフィール画像

Arlen Pavkaさんのイラストまとめ

Amateur Fortune Street translator and Dragon Quest script porter #DQProjectRequest Loves Dragon Quest, Nintendo, Marvel, SNK, MST3K. He/Him Opinions my own

フォロー数:327 フォロワー数:143

Of course along with the DBZ obsession I had the Chrono Trigger strategy guide and loved drawing the characters here. Started experimenting with colored pencils here. Really liked how the colors on Balthasar turned out.

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I somehow forgot about this character and it being a play on the character Quick Draw McGraw

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I’m not sure how Dragon Quest got trending but I’m just going to say can we get more games in English please ?

Also everyone needs to watch Adventure of Dai! Can we please get an English dub how about an English release of the Dai manga

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Best hair ever. Should’ve been in Smash over Solo

But seriously, I prefer the OG art. It seems more “complete” while the shirt+underwear combo just makes you wonder why she doesn’t have pants. I remember someone referring to it as JRPG Wonder Woman and I can see it.

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I’m still waiting for 3 Lives of Thomasina myself. It was a classic I watched a lot growing up.

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The coloring reminds me of Toriyama's GBC art

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I love this so much but it also hurts because I REALLY wanted a Sofia alt. My only little gripe is that, I kinda prefer the full unitard look of her Famicom artwork

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I’m weird about boobs. As a hetero M I find them hot and certainly a little bounce/jiggle is nice. But I get turned off when games/anime go overboard like in size or bounciness. It’s like watching an ad that tries way too hard to be hip but ur lik 🤦‍♂️

KoF13 Mai

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I remember Parker Simmons giving a similarly morbid joke when the movie came out. Still...


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