The Once & Forever True-Errant Militia-Captainさんのプロフィール画像

The Once & Forever True-Errant Militia-Captainさんのイラストまとめ

A swordsman, a skeleton, and friends do a show together.
We're just armor guys, not bad-guys.
Co-Host: @Berntflesh
Antifa as heck
Chaotic Neutral

フォロー数:1092 フォロワー数:304

I fucking hate game mockups like this by Not because of the idea, but because I fall in love with them and I want to play them, but no one is making them, or at the very least they never come out due to a plethora of things that plague small game companies.

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Holy shit!
This is the original design from 2015 three years before we actually filmed our first ep together, back when Chief was going to be in a single ONE OFF. I don't know if anyone knows this, But Chief originally was going to wear a fucking CLOAK on the show.

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This T-Shirt is on Ebay right now. I am begging myself to buy it.

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HOW in the hell do you do this ?? When I first got into pixel art long ago, I made things like this.(Left) how in the hell would I ever get to this insane level. Of course yours in on the right.

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"Mom said it was my turn with the chainsaw fuel." -

From the AAC discord.

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Half celt, Half Saxon
my 36th?(I think) great grandfather was the James Tuchet the 5th Baron of Audley who commanded the Lancastrion army within the war of the roses and died at the battle of Blore Heath.

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