Quiggles in the Rockpoolsさんのプロフィール画像

Quiggles in the Rockpoolsさんのイラストまとめ

Maker of Fucked Up Nasty Little Guys

フォロー数:868 フォロワー数:390

Got a free stl of an écorché yesterday for a v special miniature project. Spend the evening repairing the unfortunate overlapping middle seam by hand, adjusted the proportions and then today I went and rigged it. All first time learnings. Look at me go!

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Hmm yes I see what you mean. Perhaps a

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Get on loser, Satan said he's gonna teach us Prison Quidditch

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Only watched it last week and my new pet theory is that dat boi Muta partly inspired Badgerclops from Mao Mao. Just wanted to pop in and say that and also that the movie was okay? Fine? Weird and disjointed and meaningless like a rambly 15th C folk tale? But grand? I suppose?

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Biff: Buffy, Boofy, Boof, Borf, Biffo, Biffter, Biffalo, God Help Boofalo, Beefy, Brrrf (while shoving face in belly), and also whatever song lyrics I can badly shoehorn any of those into.

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Every house party in Dublin still be looking like this:

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Young Ronnie Drew appreciation post:

We tend to remember him as Dublin's Granda but the man had some look be gad.

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