

Integrating ART + BIOLOGY, Broadening Participation via Public Engagement, Education & Research #DiversifyArtScience #FieldBioArt #FieldResidency #ScienceMurals

フォロー数:578 フォロワー数:9283

🧠Art + Neuroscience converge to explore disorders of the brain — "Art created by people with neurological disorders and diseases offers a window into the brain—and the art itself can sometimes be a means to grapple with neurological change." via

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✨Congratulations to the Olympus Award 2021 winners! 🔬—Check out the winning images here: via .

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🪲Drawn to Nature: Insect Art of the 16th century—"The natural world is not just the space that we inhabit. It is also a space that allows us to think through the very question of what it means to be human."

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🦋The alien beauty + creepy fascination of —"With many millions of insect species (only about a million of which have been named) + 10 quintillion individuals, the world is literally crawling + buzzing with possibilities"

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🔬Check out the Olympus Image of the Year Award 2020 winning images:
1. Global winner: Whole rat embryo by Werner Zuschratter; 2. Americas regional prize: Polarized glutamine + beta alanine crystals by Justin Zoll

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🐚Wild Design: Nature’s Architects —Cool new book by K. Ridley explores the science behind a trove of organically occurring forms, pairing dozens of vintage nature illustrations with essays detailing the function of striking phenomena.

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🏵️The Science and Art of Really Seeing Weird Plants —"Science and art are both lenses through which I make sense of the natural world, even if they seem very different..." - via

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🌌Cosmic Portraits Created from Hubble Space Telescope Images —"Stardust is an intriguing art project in which artist Sergio Albiac is creating computer generated portraits made out of imagery from the Hubble Space Telescope"

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💉Check out other cool, educational videos and animations from the Vaccine Makers Project () and Vaccine Education Center:

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🌊Hydrozoan Fractals! —by photographer Aaron Ansarov —"a transparent, gelatinous marine creature with stinging tentacles, except unlike a jellyfish, a man-of-war is a colonial animal made up of individual organisms called zooids"

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