

I have the most amazing job in the world: creating art with the amazing Ford Elementary lil’ artists!! TPT: The Artsy Fart…

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Goopy Glue Expressive Pastel Pumpkins! One of our favorites. It’s a freebie with video lesson on my TPT page… join in on the fun!

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Wanted to give HUGE shout-out 2 4 helping me distribute thousands of masterpieces so that our little artists can have them. Above&Beyond! I would have been an emotional mess over distributing work from the cancelled art show w/o her!

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Did I forget to share the chlorophyll toot?? Why yes, yes, I did!! Here you go. One of the many reasons I miss those 1st grade little stinkers, literally!! And if you missed out on the video lesson, catch it here!

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2nd Alma Thomas-inspired paintings! We looked into her inspiring life, perfect for +Georgia artist. Each student painted a special place or memory in nature. Oh the stories these paintings tell! (the Artsy Fart)

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We were feeling the Christmas+Holiday spirit with these incredible 1st grade deer! Holy cow, errr, deer- knock my socks off! This used to be an older kid project which will stay in 1st now.

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So perfect for this reflective time. 5th graders embraced this project, embraced the mess of the materials and most of them embraced the opportunity for meaning and made my heart smile.

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Longest running project-year 13 Kinder tear bears. It’s perfect-creates smiles + confidence (all experience success), includes texture, shapes, gluing, practices (+ allows me 2 observe) 1+2 step direction following etc. Now 1 from my baby girl!

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CCSD Art Teacher Play Day! Oh, did y’all have to work?!

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It’s Spring Break, but is happening tomorrow night around the Marietta Square! These hunters will be in , along with an incredible ‘Onion’ show opening and amazing music!

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2nd Stamp Buildings finishing up! Check out these beauties!

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