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King Henry VIII (after Holbein) (2019) | Will Teather (@will_teather @SecretLtd)
Stone Fossil Emerald AP1 (2020) | Studio Nucleo (Ammann Gallery)
Aleppo: Deconstruction | Reconstruction - Sednaya Military Prison (Uncle Nabil's memory) (2017-18) | Christine Gedeon (@JLombardGallery @AIRgallery @KerberVerlag)
To the Lighthouse (2020) | Cath Dunn (@cath_cath_dunn @DerbyshireOArts)
Direct Panama (1984) | Eduardo Arroyo (@GaleriaBAT @GalerieLelongNY)
Grupp IV, De tio största, nr 9, Ålderdomen [Group IV, The Ten Largest, No. 9, Old Age] (1907) | Hilma af Klint (@ModernaMalmo @hilmaafklint)
Grupp IV, De tio största, nr 8, Mannaåldern [Group IV, The Ten Largest, No. 8, Adulthood] (1907) | Hilma af Klint (@hilmaafklint)