Art Of Mean *OPEN*さんのプロフィール画像

Art Of Mean *OPEN*さんのイラストまとめ

Sarah☄️She/Her☄️31☄️@Beep1404☄️CishetAce☄️CSP/Inkscape☄️Fanartist MLP/Hazbin/Pokemon☄️🔞 account @TheLoquiSisters☄️…

フォロー数:264 フォロワー数:260

There we go ^^

Raffle prize for ! Hope you like it!

New winner is drawn at 150 followers!

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I decided to redraw/redesign one of my *oldest* OCs. This girl was made about 13 years ago when I just started with my drawing tablet. The first is the redesign.

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New Pokehuman -- Delcatty

I'm still figuring out if I want to go for thin line art or thick line art... sometimes it looks good with one and then the other...

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Attempt at semi-realism and self-portrait. Hoping to put this on my commission offers as soon as I get the hang of it

8 13

September P reward for featuring and friend (don't know if they have Twitter)

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New Ponymon -- Available for Adoption

Gurdurr - $10
Snivy - $10
Flygon - SOLD
Shellos - Each $15

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