

Sunningwell School of Art is a unique centre for the tuition of art to students of all ages and abilities.

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Sock monsters and painted pots created by Ali Berrett's 5-8s class.

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New Year at the Art School - places available on drawing and painting classes and a number of young peoples classes

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Winter Shorts - Watercolour, Landscape, Sculpture, Life Drawing.. -

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Winter Shorts - Watercolour, Landscape, Sculpture, Life Drawing.. - Book Now!

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In Julia Simmons' 'Art Explorers' for 5-8 years this term the children have been exploring trailing inks, paint, collage, charcoal, printing, and some observational drawing, all loosely based on the story: ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’.

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More vibrant work from Ali Berrett's 5-8's classes.

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George Boyter's online watercolour students have been exploring various techniques this term

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Intermediate class (last year’s ‘Absolute Beginners’) making an excellent start in oil painting with Laura Degenhardt.

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Ali Berrett's 5-8 year old's class have been exploring 'Under The Sea' in various media.

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