26, artist, photographer, and car enthusiast!
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A character I haven't drawn much of, Karina Neumark.
What do you think of her? And what should I draw in the future, involving her?

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Sylvia-Felicia Dawson, a 24 years old web designer from Tranzistan, and best friend of Emily. She lives in Anastasia Gardens at her boyfriend, Adrian's house with him. While most of the times serious, she has her 'soft' moments.

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Emma "Emily" Waters, a British descendancy 19 years old girl from Tranzistan, student at Elena Agricultural Conservatory, free-time food enthusiast. A short, quirky yet ambitious girl, she is Sylvia's best friend.

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Random post to remind me to draw her more...

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Alternate Emily (left) or classic Emily (right)?

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A still undetermined thing for me would be where Sylvia is from: Her family name (Dawson) is a Celtic name, although she is adopted (considering that she looks way different from her family). Where do you think her natural parents are from (considering her hair would be black)?

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