

I'm a fandom artist that decided to apprehensively approach the rushing river and trip in.
She/Her|18+|NSFW at times|Proshipper|Hannibal ChocolateDogs One Piece

フォロー数:91 フォロワー数:169

These are just my silly drawings and a picture edit, but I hope they make you smile! (The first one was sprites for a video game idea. XD)

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I'm a major ChocolateDogs gal, but those ships are super cute, too~ I'm a big on Aiden getting shipped with everyone, really. XD I've done wips and pictures with mixes, too~ Like this SpaceyChocolateDogs au with a friend:

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I'm a fannibal artist, but I haven't gotten up the guts to do any commissions. ^^ I do mostly self-indulgent Hannibal Extended Universe things, but Hannigram is near and dear as well. 💗

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100% Ace/Sabo/Luffy from One Piece, Fakir/Duck from Princess Tutu, Nigel/Aiden from the Hannibal Extended Universe (and Hannibal/Will from Hannibal to cheatingly add in since it's the same universe. XD).

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Post 4 fictional characters you relate to and let people assume something about you

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This is very sweet~ I do art and writing. Mostly for the Hannibal Extended Universe with bits of Hannigram. ^^I also dabble into comics, animation, and photo and video edits.

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Woo! ^o^ Thanks for this idea~ I had so much fun with it! I went very wolfish with Aiden. ^__^

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This is my art for 's Hannigram A/B/O Reverse Bang~ Featuring with some on the side because I can't help myself sometimes. XD I had a lot of fun with this one. Also, here's a link to it on AO3:

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