

Hi your local nerd here.
I made stuff and stuff, most of em pretty lazy.

Also, have a nice day.

フォロー数:105 フォロワー数:73

Bit pixel art warmin up with Lloyd in Fraymaker sprite look. Well gonna turn him into workshop content.

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11th - 14th , , ,

Supposely Day 13 - 16 well whatever aint letting it unfinished

Yes its GIF, no aint one of em request this.
(look at thread, blame Twitter for not letting 4 GIF upload)

3 6

16th & 17th ,

Day 19 & 20 LuL (more like laughing) and Blushing

I can feel my hand getting lazier

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6th UnFavoriteFox

Day 8 Free. (Smugging + moving brow)

Just.. a bit experiment, no more chibi. not sure if the facial look clear enough on emote size..
Gonna go with chibi for next one.. chibi somewhat feel more clearer and effective, idk.

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Bit late i suppose..

Day 8. Bri`ish Cockroach having sip, Innit?

Bug still count as animal i suppose, and yes i do hate cockroach.

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5th Yeshlives
Day 7 Realism sorta smug smile.

Well.. kinda uncanny and rushed.. idk what the hell realism supposed to be.
If it look bad feel free to say so, i can compensate it if you want to.

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4th. DiaZ

Day 6. Ded. more like.. lying on your back and had enough with your day.

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"Whats this?"
"A man in cheese form with Goku photoshop Arm, just improvise if you can"
"Okie, but his profile doesnt tell he a "Vtuber" "
" . . . fuck it.. lets just post it when done"

Day. 5 Raid

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