

NSFW account of @ArthimusNA.
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My Partner @Kokonyaashi

フォロー数:654 フォロワー数:1262

Well a week has passed and a promise is a promiseso here is some of the bigger project I have been doing for me friends, currently waiting for some responses of what I can share of the others but for now, updated Avelin! (yes I love our pathfinder characters, a lot)

4 28

The hardest part I have with art is when I am busy for weeks and then have to come back and finish stuff, I think I did well enough.

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Happy Saturday morning everyone! Who wants a flat of a flat girl? Avelin's regretting agreeing to this.

4 27

So I've been sick with the voorus and its really left me without the energy to do much so here is a proper reference I drew for Avelin as I started to get sick. Sorry getting sick derailed me.

5 29

Random post things. Here is a mix of new icons for the dragon age game I play in weekly.

4 21

A logo comission for can anyone recognie the man at the microphone. D&D fans would say he's.... Iconic

1 10

Hi everyone! I know I have been quiet for a lil bit, I have been busy with all of these for out Pathfinder game, you can find out who they are at!

4 12

Progress is being made! 2 down 2 to go. I am starting to ship Dommy Mommy and Nux... I can't decide if this is good or not.

2 10

Im so slooooooow at drawing! Here's where we are at so far.

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