

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:38

Then if that's okay then I'd like to request Ruby Rose from RWBY.

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Could I ask for Kuro from Kuro's Days, an obscure webnovel.

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Ohhh, so you know RWBY then. Could I ask for either Ruby Rose or Weiss Schnee? and on the off chance you'd be willing to then perhaps a whiterose drawing of the two of them together?

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hmm, well if the slots aren't already all taken could I ask for Ruby Rose or Weiss Schnee from RWBY?

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If you're still choosing then could I ask to have either Ruby Rose or Weiss Schnee from RWBY drawn?

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Slots probably all taken by now but if not could you draw Kuro from Kuro's Days?

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¡Tu arte es genial! ¿Dibujar a Ruby Rose o Weiss Schnee de RWBY? -google translate

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Just seeing your art for the first time and it looks great! I notice you draw people with animals/pets. Would it be possible to ask to draw Ruby Rose from RWBY with her dog Zwei? (And on the off chance you'd be willing to then maybe draw the character Weiss Schnee with them too?)

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