

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.

-Shakespeare, Henry V, Act III, Scene I

フォロー数:33 フォロワー数:83

This mischievous scamp is one of my favorite characters in Azur Lane, so a giant thank you to the artist and devs for bringing her to life with this phenomenal L2D! Her charm and impish nature are in full effect here, so without a doubt, this is worth every gem. Well done, team!

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I'm excited to see Ingraham make her debut in Azur Lane. She looks terrific! Still... it's probably weird that the first thing I thought of was:

"By our powers combined, we are... Ingrahammann!!!"

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While Vittorio and Littorio play politics, the Imperial throne remains vacant. Her loyal legions stand ready and await the moment Giulio Cesare finally makes her move and crosses the Rubicon.

, it is time to grant her the retrofit she deserves.

Let the die be cast.

1 18

I think I know someone from the Northern Parliament who will be thrilled about this particular arrival!

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Well? We have to know what happened!! Did he check his mailbox in the game? Was it there!?

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Avast, ye scurvy dogs! She's already stolen our hearts, and now she be stealing our gold with her finely crafted L2D! If piracy is a crime, then allow me to volunteer as tribute!

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I'm not going to lie, she scares me a little. I'm completely okay with that. She exudes a seriously confident aura, which I appreciate. You can tell just from her design that she's the lead ship of her class. It makes me wonder if Boss Music plays when she walks into a room... 🤔

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She's a bit of a superstar, isn't she? Character introduction, regular skin, L2D skin, etc. She seems almost as ubiquitous as some of the older, more established figures from Azur Lane. I'm not complaining. I actually appreciate that history can be repackaged and popularized!

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What an incredible design for such an important cultural icon (you can see her continuous relevance to France below). The artist has created a truly remarkable character, who lives up to both of her namesakes - the ship and the historical figure herself. Reborn from the fire!

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Oh, look! Azur Lane has finally found my personal Kryptonite: Émile featuring an Alice in Wonderland theme! If Quantum Physics is real, and an infinite number of parallel dimensions exist, there isn't a single one in which I don't buy this for her...

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