

Opal | 22 | 🇦🇺 | he/it/they | Artist and writer | Novice VA | WoW player | Zoology nerd | Minors DNI | Autistic | Vampire lover

フォロー数:223 フォロワー数:399

Just remembered I have this relative old (like last year) attempt at voice acting one of my OCs
It’s...okay but I feel I could do a lot better.

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Some personal art of my demon hunters cause been thinking of them. Struggling a bit with the venthyr pile but I will get to that next.

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Thinking about this precious bean who just wanted to share anima with his homies.

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Heck yeah mate!! Congratz on the 250+ followers, you deserve so much more though, with your amazing personality and your gorgeous art!~
*Carefully hands over Lilva* Here comes the chaos gremlin~

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I have two!~ BE is Taleresh and the NE is Kynas. They are husbands~

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Says the wholesome, sweet bean herself 🥺

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Wanted to redraw a sketch I did of Renathal and the Curator. Redraw left, original right.

That moment when your rebellion fails and dad throws you and your sibling into hell.

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Father and son bonding time.
Both a light hearted one based of an ask I received on Curiouscat and a serious version.
Look out for a follow up to this by the way. Probably tomorrow. It will be a funny one trust me.

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How my drawing process typically is.

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