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It’s Presidents’ Day. I still can’t believe this guy is our president. One day with this clown was too much. #PresidentsDay2019 #toomuchtrump #PresidentTrump #art #satire #TrumpCrimeSyndicate #exhaustion #TrumpRussiaCollusion
“The Shining City on Hill” Labor Day, a time to honor and remember the millions of workers all across the world who work for so little. #LaborDay #WorkersDeserveMore #the99percent #art #satire #LaborOnLaborDay
“Too Much Jesus” Christian groups have managed to overturn California’s right to die law. Seems like they are more interested in controlling people that alleving suffering. #assisteddying #rightwingchristians #deathwithdignity #satire #art politics
“The Shining City on a Hill” Happy May Day everyone! The gap between the richest and the poor widens every day. Support our workers worldwide in their struggle for fairness and a living wage. #MayDay2018 #WorkersDay #labor #art #satire #1% #politics
“Too Much Trump” he’s at it again with his anti Muslim #TweetStorm and #nationalist #Propaganda. It’s too much to take. Hopefully #Flynn will take him down #BritainFirst #AmericaFirst #Trump #Satire #art #AltRight #FakeNews
"Too Much Trump" JOE has had too much of this clown. How about you? #trumpsatire #trumptwitter #trumpcircus #art #trumpexhaustion #stopnow
Don't worry about climate change, the "Tornado Men" always return what they have taken #climatechange #tornado #art #satire #magicrealism
"Last Days of the Empire" they said it was fake news, too bad for their grandchildren #GlobalWarming #climatechange #fakenews #satire #art
"The Monkey Whisperer" made this a few years ago, didn't know at the time I was doing Trump and Bannon portraits