

I draw as a hobby, I also love Warhammer 40k lore, fate, Xenoblade, DMC, FGO, Arknights, souls, sci-fi, fantasy…

フォロー数:135 フォロワー数:7310

Oh hell I forgot I drew this Oberon Vortigern two years ago

3 37

No humanity means no moon cell grail wars,
which means no sakura,
no BB and finally
no Alter ego Meltryllis.
No melt means the universe might as well not exist

5 27

Final LB6 enjoyment score: 8/10

I know why people like it so much now

I liked it as much as LB5, maybe more since it was so comedic and dived into characters backstories more, but LB5 and LB6 are very different types of stories.

Now lets see if LB7 can top this!

0 73

Fujimaru Ritsuka (1/2)

They really felt like their own character in this LB, very talkative, strange for a self insert, he wasn't just a passenger in this adventure but an actor, running around to save mash, going to the limit, standing on his own and inspiring castoria -

0 66

Oberon Vortigern 1/3
This man's a menace to the world! If anyone had Black air force energy in this LB, it was HIM! He's HIM!
He understood everyone, he knew the inner workings of their minds and how to manipulate them, but he STILL managed to be the funniest companion, -

2 59

Castoria: 1/4

Surprisingly guileful and bitter girl, she looks innocent and demure at first, the prototypical protag, but the reveals made me see her in different colored lights.
her eyes let her see through lies which filled her with disgust for others, this was -

2 66

Baobhan Sith: 1/2
strangely my favorite
It hit me in Gloucester that she was only evil to the Britain fairies, but the reveal of her past lives was...very painful, a truly pure fairy abused in unimaginable ways, nobody deserves what she went through the distress it caused morgan-

3 66

Melusine: 1/2
…lets just say I liked her more before the final moments. when I learned of her acts and what she put herself trough for a lie she was conscious of I could only think " You weak-minded coward!" but reconsidered later, this was a layered situation. Aside from that-

2 67