

I draw as a hobby, I also love Warhammer 40k lore, fate, Xenoblade, DMC, FGO, Arknights, souls, sci-fi, fantasy…

フォロー数:131 フォロワー数:6422

I'm late but
happy birthday rin!

172 1244

I expected a mage boss fight, little did I know she was Gilgamesh's little sister...

I think Gilgamesh stocks would increase if... No, never mind.

3 33

This FA is blessed in so many ways

they really did bazett justice

juuust one thing though, she doesn't have her Cu style hearings anymore?

7 73

Always doing the funny, that girl.

Kiara, no matter the universe, you'll always be entertaining to me.

4 12

it makes me wanna draw even more!

0 15

I posted the wrong version!!!

60 475