

Nerd mom from Poland, an artist, hunk enthusiast, fashion lover and all things crafty. I like turtles.

Mainly Utapri and World of Warcraft

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:445

The idea of young Illidan makes me swoon so have a semi-quick beefy doodle of how I imagined him🖤

Yo Tyrande look what you missed out on 👇👅

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Thank you so much! 😍

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Trying to kill migraine with a quick study of Lor'themar's gorgeous fatigued dad face.

He embodies nobility, has the most honey-smooth voice ever and has stolen my heart 💔

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I died last night but have a poor attempt at trying to get back on my artsy feet.
🔥Grand Magister Rommath l I love you to pieces 🔥
Such a BElf daddy 🙈

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Managed to finish this just in time for my s/o's birthday ;u; (please ignore the complete disaster of a background)

Our healthy, happy elven dorks that I pray will never be separated by war.

Happy Birthday to my Man.

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Icon commission for of Imprey from Code: Realize ❤️
Thank you so much for being so kind and patient with me 😭
Hope you like him! ❤️❤️❤️

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Trying to get back into the art groove so I slapped some quick colors on one of the panels I worked on eons ago and eventually discarded the idea.
I just want my BElf boy to be happy in every way possible.
Shaally & Soyus are the end of me OTL

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