

I believe all is related, I’m a premier coup artist, a nature spirit, believer of magic, still a work in process. No DM please

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Entirely too many to choose from , Nadler , Stilwell , Schiff, Waters, Omar, Cortez , the list is endless

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Definitely my own island

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It’s always the same game plan , fear, intimidation & bullying with a sprinkling of “we know better” & “it’s for your own good”. You would think people would be able to see through their lies by now.

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Thanks I needed that , pairs perfectly with my ace of swords

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love your show 🥰🇺🇸 , FYI , this is the whole “of wishes were horses” thing 😂

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Let’s be perfectly honest, Bloomberg never stood for any of craziness the Democrats are spouting. He just wants to buy the election & hand it off to a puppet.

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