

Every post is objective fact AND financial advice.

Wasteman at @FangGangNFT

UK 🇬🇧

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Getting your Fangs out isnt just reserved for Fridays!

Its high time we had a...


Lets see 'em, Fangsters! 👇👇👇

14 63

Two of my very best friends in the space are heading up a new project. They're two solid gold legends and two of the most talented people I know.

You'd be doing yourself a favour by keeping an eye on


4 12

I gOt SumFiNk else sTuKk

0 2

*sigh*... Fiiiiiiine, you win.

1 11

Hahaha this is incredible! I'd love to see mine in the frame if you get the chance 🙂


0 2

and have the best and most resilient communities out there. ALWAYS good vibes with the Homies and the Gang ♥️

1 14