

White | ENG/ 🇩🇪 | it / star / draco
main @wadddl

フォロー数:43 フォロワー数:410

Sorry for my long silence, I haven't been feeling too good. I am planning on finishing a few drawings soon, so I hope I will be able to post again. Take this somewhat older sketch for the mean time, please.

6 15

Hi! Sorry that I was gone for some time, had to fix some problems. But now I'm back and I hope I'll get some of my other drawings doon sone for you people !! ❣️

Also, happy 25th anniversary to Earthbound, haha. A bit of a shame I haven't managed to draw anything yet. But soon!

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The Waddle With Dee.... maybe?

5 18

Dress up?

(Also to make up for the fact that I have missed the 30th Anniversary of MOTHER, haha)

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Also a small little drawing for the day ❣️

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Everyone's celebrating Sonic and Eggman, I thought I might draw the smaller parts from the first game.

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(tried to fix it, sorry for the repost!)


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I've been sick for a while, though it isn't too bad right now. I watched some subbed episodes of the Kirby Anime while lying in bed and I kind of have a thing for Bugzzy with swords...

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