

Lead UI Designer #gamedev
UI design | UI art | Art Direction

Worked on: Warhammer AoS: Realms of Ruin, Jurassic World Evolution 2, Dragon Age Keep, N7HQ Web

フォロー数:1845 フォロワー数:6369

Let me introduce you to... Jukhata Kortu
He's about to kick imperial ass and drink blue milk.
And he's all outta milk.

0 5

Malfunctioning force fields let you go through

2 15

Slowly but surely!

I'm also playing around with name generator and oh boy I bet EU writers were laughing their asses off

0 7

Sketching out the protagonist for my mod.

Badass shotgun-wielding alien seems fitting.

3 13

you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about

3 22

Beware of - the bane of every curious adventurer!

2 38

A 3D adventure about a decidedly cartoony character in a rather realistic setting.
Well that turned out great the last time, right guys?

1 2

Decided to make something crazy, so here you go.
Mario in style of 's paintings and lore. Don't ask.

26 104