

May the power protect you; 32, ✝️, Writer, Falcom, Ninty, DB(Z), DR, FF, Musou, Muv-Luv, SMT, FE, LotR, Uta, Type-Moon verse etc. Espeon: @Nana_Rayne ♡

フォロー数:1820 フォロワー数:658


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This reliable lil guy. The Wargreymons are close but still.

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Not tagging anyone but do this if you want. Also putting Peach here since I don't show as much love for her as I do for Daisy on here despite them being near equal for me.

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Persona 1 is trending? Time to say it's a solid game and besides SMT IF is the only time you'll see both SMT & Persona ideas merged together in a coherent way.

Also my gal Tamaki from IF cameos in both 1 and 2 so that's also cool considering IF was the real bridge to Persona.

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Kevin: Aidios more like AIDOS AMIGO.

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When Digimon Survive comes out i'm getting a Gomamon asap. Always liked the little guy and it helps that Joe was my favorite of the original kids.

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If Celis sticks the landing in Kuro No Kiseki 2 she could become one of my Kiseki favorites, she has a lot going for her, but wasn't around enough in 1 to be like "oh she's def a big fav"

Also what's better than a whipsword? a GREAT WHIPSWORD.

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I stole this from a friend who stole it from another friend.

What about my boy Zale here?

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Happy 31st Anniversary Final Fantasy 4! One of my favorite games of all time, absolutely adore replaying this still to this day.

Cecil is a protagonist I look up to quite a bit in terms of being more like, kind, yet able to fight when he needs to.

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