Musically inspired commission for @LlewelynDekafox
Music inspiration - "Shine Your Orb" by Voyager
Got a little sketching done today >> Actually liking the idea for this dragon xD
Both Dusk and Shadow are quiet nervous 0.0 Shadow is hiding Dusk the best he can from uncertain eyes. Really wanted to practice expressions here and get a grip on emotions :)
Finished this a week or so ago, finally get to upload it 💙 I'll never get tired of painting Rayla ☀️
Musically inspired commission for DracoExLibris <3
Song inspiration - Phildel - Storm Song 🌦️
Doodle from a couple days ago. Was half asleep drawing this and I don't remember the main idea xD
The Sketch The Painting
My sketches tend to be very rough😅 I tend to make many changes as I paint.
A demon stalks its prey. Poor Dusk is hiding and hoping not to be found 0.0