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I think I understand what's going on in Take Over #Worlds2020
The protagonist is inheriting the legacy of former World Champions, one by one
SSW Mata, Thresh
SSG Ambition, Jarvan IV
FPX Tian, Lee Sin
SKT Faker, Faker
Scrolling down K/DA comic and suddenly got punched
I've dreamed of going to Shanghai for 2020 Worlds ever since the beginning of the year ... *sniff*
Full announcement to hit soon but
No, I won't be covering the 2020 Worlds in person.
Kyaru is a character in a mobile game called Princess Connect! Re:Dive
BeryL is a big fan of this game, and is active in the game community
This man has just out-AYAYA'd every single League pro players in the world
@TOP_Esports_ Not sure if happy for TES or scared for TES at worlds
The Korizon team wanting you to hit that Subscribe -> Notification button looking like