

OpEd essays by @BJPsTweets taking current issues in the zeitgeist & asking:"What Would Wonder Woman Do?" #AskWWWWD Follow 4 inspirational weekday posts.

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“I’m one of many million women who can find strength to help other people.”-Wonder Woman (Written by creator Dr William Moulton Marston)

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“Your drive must be controlled by love, or you’ll create evil instead of humanitarian services for the world.” -

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Happy from everyone here at
Don’t forget to get your special card stock cover at your local comic book store next week!

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Fair Play. Equality. Justice. Truth. She stood for all of these, & did so via her love of & service to the public. You were a true warrior, & a in your own time . May you

Beautiful art by (Dan Hayes)

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“I follow the Amazon code when facing a vanquished foe: Punishment for the adult; Empathy for the child.” - (written by )
Today, How’re YOU showing fairness & empathy to someone you are or were opposed to?

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Psychologists say that confidence can develop through 3 ways: Achievement, Encouragement & Seeing others who resemble us achieve. As we move towards next achievements, let’s take some time daily 2 encourage others; Its what Would Do!

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