Aaron Georgeさんのプロフィール画像

Aaron Georgeさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:182 フォロワー数:611

Hey everyone, there's a new entry on the Cryptodex, covering Slowking's hat, Farfetch'd's aristocratic big sister, Steelix, and Blissey! This entry's a long one, so I hope you enjoy!

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I've got a new article up on the Cryptodex! We're looking at the third stage of Gold and Silver's development, including Mareep, Hitmontop, baby Grimer, Murkrow, and everyone's favorite Dunsparce!

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Early in Generation II, the Pokemon team created Wolfman and Warwolf to be their new Ice representatives. Later, as they changed direction, these two were made obsolete by the adorable Swinub and Piloswine. Was this the right decision? Are you on Team Piloswine, or Team Warwolf?

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Pokemon Fun Fact: Until the very end of development of Gold and Silver, Mantine, Octillery, and Remoraid were all based directly on weapons: A submarine, a tank, and a gun. Right before release, they were edited to remove these elements; whether this was censorship is unknown.

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There's a new article up on the Cryptodex, where we delve into the concept of baby Pokemon, Octopus military hardware, and Penguin Santa Claus. I hope you enjoy it!


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Hey everybody, there's a new article on beta Pokemon development over at the Cryptodex! This time, we look waaaaaay in depth into the origins of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, and then also hang out with Skarmory! Let me know what you think!


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All three also have an unused alternative sprite designed for Silver, but unused. The team probably decided against them because they were still very rough, and the beasts were being worked on until the last second before release. In the final, Gold and Silver use the same sprite

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There's another new entry on the Cryptodex! This time we tackle fan favorite, early spiky Cyndaquil, along with a cute cat, a cow, and a bulldog. Plus we talk about the beginnings of some new mechanics, like the gender mechanic and the new Dark type.


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Fun Fact: Politoed was one of the earliest Pokemon in Gold and Silver to be designed. Unused back sprites from Blue version show that originally, there was a two-stage toad family that was repurposed into Politoed. On the left is the first Politoed, and then its two redesigns.

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There's a new article on the Cryptodex! Today we cover the missing original fire starter Pokemon, a mysterious ninja squirrel, and everyone's favorite, Meganium! Please enjoy and let me know what you think!


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