

— Minor
— Spanish/English 🇨🇴
— Furry
— Learnin' how to make FNF Music lel
— 🤓

フォロー数:117 フォロワー数:14

some sketches, i am new with Fire Alpaca and my tablet so, just a simple thing for now

another fleetway super sonic

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Well, I only made a few quick little drawings of The characters that I liked the most in the VS Sonic mod.exe 2.0, Excellent work, I loved the mod, in fact I used the OST to make the drawings and inspire me better
(FleetwaySS my guy)

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A lil draw of Hank J Wimbleton, and a Lil Failed try to make a gif (NOOO The gif Is in my pc)

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A Little Draw of My Roblox Avatar with His stand Lost in Time (Yes... I Play Roblox)

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