

フォロー数:1390 フォロワー数:11843

Saw a few people doing "Bad End" posts so figured id throw my take into the mix

3 271

finished last min, almost made it to 12 but lost count somewhere along the way. New year 🎇

5 215

Since i dont vtube i decided to do a sort of me before vs me now thing. I know streams lately are lacking energy and its because i too lack energy. I’ll get decent sleep eventually 🤡

1 256

2021 vs 2022
This months piece is a bit of a birthday gift to myself, and a yearly checkup on my growth with my art!
(i didnt forget the halo, i just didnt have time to add it since i leave for the airport in ~30 min) Next month i'll do my au ra and put em together!

13 222

I tried the cartoon filter, behold!

7 206

bit of a throwback but my is pretty short, i had tons of plans and ideas for stuff but never really got off the ground with em unfortunately, hopefully 2022 i'll have more energy to fill one out next year

0 100