

I am now in development of becoming Artsy Fartsy I go.

all characters drawn are 18+

フォロー数:23 フォロワー数:179

Well Happy Birthday to You.
Although I'm here like....
Ninja who?

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We're in this together brother, I've got you fam. And if I offended you, my sincere apologies, as it wasn't my intention. Here's to a 'spring' in your step and a smile on the side...yay. Seize the Day. *other stuff related here* p.s. depressed man here, but I'm not alone c: yay

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She wears America quite nicely. But I know someone who wears it better...

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Probably no patch preview today because usual hosts/ majority are flying to LA. For PPL or something. I forgot. But in the meanwhile...celebrate.🎉

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🎉🎉 Congratulations y'all, I can't wait to splurge more of my money on 🎉🎉

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