

👑 Shantel of the House Greyjoy 👑
🗡️Sworn Sword of House Targaryen🗡️

🌒🌕🌘♊ 32

フォロー数:792 フォロワー数:527

WitchBlade - Eric Basaldua (Penciller) ebas (Penciller)

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Wolverine & Jean Grey Phoenix 'The Last Kiss' by Pepe Valencia

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Brian Stelfreeze - Storm

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like these bitches was shootin 🤣🤣

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She kinda did back in the xtreme xmen days but yeah it's def a good look

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damn that is comic book magneto doe....

especially Age of Apocalypse Mags

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or hell, put her in the skintight shit that Brian had on

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