

Philanthropist, Billionaire, MAD GENIUS determined to send mankind back into a BESTIAL STATE of INSANITY! (For its own good, of course.)

フォロー数:62 フォロワー数:357

Quit being a misogynist. Those are strong independent women who don't need no man and could easily have defeated him if they *wanted* to.
People would pay good money to have the sort of vibrancy you see in the city in their boring suburbs.

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Funny, his statement is both A) True and B) Irrelevant. Masculine authors are making bank by sidestepping tradpub and pleasing fans while catlady writers can barely scratch together an income and panhandling support so they can attend another Clarion workshop.

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They forgot "Monster Girls". Monster Girls appear in some of the best literature.

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My brother in Christ we can't even get the furries to stop $#!+ing themselves in the hotel lobby...

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It's a fountain, not a pond or spring.
Besides, who washes up in a goblin hole immediately after wiping out a nest of goblins?
You wear that stink back home IN VICTORY.

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