

💌 Contact for commissions DM or Discord: xxAura-Selenexx#2571 |
🎨 Commissions examples: |
❤️ Personal Account: @auraselene

フォロー数:678 フォロワー数:288

Very slowly improving 😂

Happy Valentine's day!

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This commission was for xoxoluna on Discord. I'm weak with androginous & goth people *^ * <3<3<3

Thank you so much for your trust <3

5 13

This is Ivette and belongs to It was wonderful to be able to draw this piece. Thank you so much for commissioning me :3

8 22

I'm very happy with the result of this pieces for Crayon_A_Saurus_Rex on Discord.

Thank you so much to all my kind commissioners for taking the time for giving me very detailed descriptions. You help me a lot in having a greater mental idea ^^ <3

8 17

Hope you all have a great day!

I'm here for sharing the artwork proze for the raffle I did some time ago. He's the cute Darshan and belongs to Please give her some love and cuddles(?) also to him

Hope you like it!

8 18

He's the handsome genderbending of Shelly, Shel. This was funny to draw :3

Thank you so much again <3 <3 <3

4 13

14 years old VS 32 years old

3 17

Hi hi! 14 february is close and I have 2 slots for romantic SFW art. I wanted to be sure to have enough time for delivering the art properly :3 and when these slots are full I'll be closing my Commissions

If you have any doubt feel free to contact me by MD

Have a nice weekend!

6 8

I think this is the year of the ox and there's a really funny trend to draw characters with a cow outfit.

Thank you so much to @/Gravyhu for commissioning me

6 17

This week I'll share some pieces on a bigger proyect I did some months ago. She is the wonderful Sibyla. She belongs to Her design is really beautiful

Thank you so much for the commission
(I hate writing so little here)

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