

For random funnies, AutisAwsome Youtube n Twitch stream updates and sharing my art. I hope you enjoy :3 might be more adult content sometimes but not NSFW…

フォロー数:506 フォロワー数:351

another day another cocotama! Again one on right is copied from official art mostly. cocotama belongs to bandai and tv tokyo

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thought id share some cocotama fanart i made coz why not? cocotama belongs to bandai and tv tokyo X3 experimenting with rakitama!

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thought id share some cocotama fanart i made coz why not? btw this is not traced but it is copied from official art. im not claiming its not. all rights go to bandai and tv tokyo ;3

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think before sharing sam. thats a child with a green shirt

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did they have to put the icecream there?

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you can't look at this face and tell me he isn't the best boy

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erm Mogutan? are you ok? Idk about that face guys

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hey guys i need some help. sam already tried and is very confused. what IS this thing?

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Fearow art by me but copied from official art. Those wings were haaaaaard XS

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