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In an Armenian folktale, a husband stops his mother and aunt from eating his wife 🔥
Just then the ground ripped open, the aunt fell into the crack and the ground closed above her. Both sisters were now under the ground where all giants went when they died.
The Sun stared long and hard at his eldest daughter. Under his angry gaze her golden dress melted, her ruby boots became mere goat hoofs, her lovely head, sank into her shoulders and her whole body grew over with black fur.
🎨D. G. Rossetti
Witches steal the milk by night but are chased by daybreak 🐇
The hare started off at a brisk pace, squirting up the milk she had sucked from her mouth and nostrils, and the dogs making after her rapidly...
In some Slavic communities having a cat in the house during a thunderstorm was a mixed blessing. On the one hand it could protect the house from being struck by lightning, since lightning was the devil's doing and the devil wouldn't strike its own kind (1/2)
Siberian shamans would place representations of owls and eagles inside their drums, as these animals were thought to guide them on their spiritual journeys 🪶
🎨by Yakut artist Timofey Stepanov shows a shaman holding his drum, on a spiritual journey 🌘
In a #BrothersGrimm tale, a king has a covered dish served to him everyday. One day, a curious servant opens the lid and takes a small taste of the white snake he sees in the dish. After that, he can understand the language of animals 🐍 (1/2)
🎨 Jessica Roux
According to Eastern Slavic mythology, if millers appease Vodyanoy, the water spirit, it'll help them by bringing water to their mills during dry spells. If they offend Vodyanov, millers can cast bread and vodka into the stream to make amends 🐟
#swampsunday #FolkloreSunday
Mergen Han is a deity that represents wisdom in Altaic mythology. He is often depicted with a bow and arrow, riding a white horse.
🎨 Alt
In Mersin, Turkey, it was once believed that if a woman couldn't get pregnant, she should sit in the steam of a whole sunflower being boiled 🌻
🎨 Jessica Roux
In Anatolian fortune-telling tradition, water readings involve inviting djinns, who can reveal the unknown. Tellers tend to be eccentric. If a teller can't be found, a child might be recruited to summon djinns and divine the future from a bowl of water 🧿