

silly little emo pony - He/Him 20

guys see boobs and say : erm one ticket to bonerville please???

フォロー数:599 フォロワー数:330

im always changing his design smh i didnt realized how few updated pics i have haha

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lil concept for Nightmare Mist, the idea had that the nightmare form isn't inherently evil, more of your the ego you hide away, so i made mists one this chaotic lil devil whos emotions run rampit, often i states of extreme sadness or rage (or happiness)

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Happy mothers day...Not!! fuck my mom!! each year I celebrate this day when I ran away from my mother, fuck her

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She's kinda a babe ngl

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Mist's name is just my own spin on Cloud, I was just looking for what also could represent clouded memory (which is why he's called Cloud btw) and it from Cloud> Fog > Mist

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as an artist i must dress to impress at all times

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what a cute face :3

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UGH my back hurts :(

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the one of the left haha, ive pretty much changed him completely since then

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