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Avery Hill Publishingさんのイラストまとめ

Avery Hill helps aspiring creators reach their potential and is a home for those geniuses the mainstream has yet to recognise. Tweets generally by Ricky.

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✨Shanti Rai Creator Focus ✨

This week we are going to be sharing the work of the incredible ! We will have 25% off Shanti's graphic novel Sennen this week only!


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Here's a selection of strips from her comic detailing her experiences of fibromyalgia, an important read for everyone.

Please take the time to read these strips, and give a follow for more information relating to life and comic book creation with chronic illness.

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In 2021 we published Sennen by , an incredible book.

Throughout the creation of this book, Shanti was ill due to her fibromyalgia but she persisted and we couldn't be prouder of the book that she created.

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Suzanne perfectly captures the 1920's and the massive societal changes that were about to take place.

“A really really engrossing biography. It tells an incredible story with real passion and power.” -

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3. The 3rd reason you should get It's Cold In The River At Night by from our store right now is that Alex is one of the best cartoonists in the UK!

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The next book we're releasing is Pet Peeves by and it's currently available to pre-order in our store! Nicole's cartooning is second to none.

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The phenomenon that is made her first book, The Impending Blindness Of Billie Scott, with us back in 2020! If you loved It's Lonely At The Centre Of The Earth, then this is another great book with a really long title!

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Not sure we've ever mentioned this (...) but we were the first people to discover and publish Tillie Walden! She's a genius.

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