SRM VWB White Bright ☕🪄🦊🕹 @ Bombo Cakerさんのプロフィール画像

SRM VWB White Bright ☕🪄🦊🕹 @ Bombo Cakerさんのイラストまとめ

SRM White Beast
🏳️‍🌈 They/??? (any are fine)
XRD: MI 🧷 / UNI: VA 🤖 KA 🔫
Blankachan is my son.
Team: @SRMNation
Gay Mafia

フォロー数:1531 フォロワー数:1140

Kizzer got a pizza...

Maybe I'll get...

A pizza too...

The order button is... right... there...

0 24

7. Honorable mention yo her pupil
8. I have a soft spot for Old Master types

9. It's been a minute but always loved Ryan Hunter. Knew how to bring the excitement *and* the knowledge

10. CB overall but MiM holds a special place for sure

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Me: I don't need a nap during lunch, I need to press Bridget buttons

Me, the rest of the day:

0 19