

I'm just a fan of Godzilla, Dragon Ball, Transformers, JP/JW, Monster Hunter, Marvel and a few other franchises who loves to draw from time to time.

フォロー数:2305 フォロワー数:881

Has been my favorite Dinosaur since childhood and continues to be my favorite today.

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I do as well. However, I think I'll just show one of them for now.


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Just figured I'd let you know where I'm at when it comes to Venom's design in Spider-Man 3.

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Reply for a color then post four of your fav characters associated with that color

I Got: Silver.


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This might just be me but some of the raptors for the game look a little like bizarre versions of the Indoraptor Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

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Okay, working on the kale and caulifla drawing first. And the base image here is just to show a hint at what I'm doing. Not specifically the drawing itself.

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Okay to make this quick, deviantart's staff is making another terrible decision and so now I'm kinda working against the clock.

I need to know if you want me to just have the recent chapter be just caulifla's story for now and cabba's be next chapter.

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My idea of a composite design of Galvatron goes like this:

TLK Megatron acts as the base of the design while having some features of the G1, IDW and Mania King designs.

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This was another edit attempt of mine from one of the 2017 Spider-Man designs. This time it's on one of the designs I actually like. It's of the Francine Frye Electro.

Left is the original.

Right is the edit where I tried giving her classic electro colors.

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