

35/mothman, she/he/they all okay, amateur artist, adopt-maker
header by @starsleeps

フォロー数:1179 フォロワー数:119

I drew a tiny dinosaur.... he's probably not anatomically correct, but I think he's cute

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To help pay our internet bill, gonna take some commissionsnliks this $15 bust. I can only handle two at a time, but I'll take them till our $200 bill is paid. DM me to claim a slot.

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Btw this is Rain. He's a salty healer. He used to be a paladin. He needs friends who can take his temper and won't get upset if he yells.

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Offering 3 busts like these for $15 each! Gotta get stuff for my old pubby and gas and other Household Necessities.

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Embyr is a very clumsy gremlin. While he never gets burns, he gets scrapes and cuts often. Like me. Only mine are all on my legs because my dog thinks I'm a good boost to reach the top of the couch....

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I have an FF7 OC named Embyr and his job is to stress Tseng out by being a fire gremlin

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More because whyyyyy not? $20 each, as before! DM to claim!

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Jackalope twins! $20 each! Sunrise and sunset. Once bought, I'll give the unwatermarked version, obviously. DM me if interested! (Sunset's hair was fun lol)

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Pardon the funky blocks in the grass, but I drew my D&D character. Moon Elf Monk, and haunted boy, Dorren!

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2015 me vs. Me now
....I dont care no more and I have the world's smallest beard... also mothman.

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