

Gone Cooking!

Rebranding in process!

フォロー数:119 フォロワー数:113

Year of the rabbit post over at @/KaiV_incognito ! Nothing too scandalous don't worry~

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Computer is still broken :( It's not looking good for your old pal Kai

So for now take some art I drew on my friends iPad the the other day! Fun fact- this blue is actually yellow!

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Here's a close up on the face of this post cause I'm really proud of it. Want the full thing check out my after dark account.

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Please this was so cute 😭😭😭

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Thanks for the tag Makoto!
I adore to cook and one of my favourite things to cook is Salmon and Tuna onigiri!

I'll tag and

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So while I take sometime for a small little software update~ how about a sneaky peak for you all 💙

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New K.A.I? Hah hah just kidding...


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Look at this bytes! Another streaming !
Unless something goes wrong you have lots of great things to look forward to!
Tuesday- Still a surprise XD
Thursday- A super fun The Forest collab with @/Ren_Nyaa + @/MakotoNanami1
Sunday- More Visage where I will scream. a lot.

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Good timezone little bytes! My first schedule is here! We'll see how this goes this week and work from there!
You don't know what I'm playing because I don't know what I'm playing 💙💙

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