

Hobbiest Tradicional/Digital Artist 🖊 - Music Enthusiastic 🎧 - Anime/Cartoon Nerd👓 - Gamer 🎮 - Male ♂ - lvl. 31 - Pisces ♓ - 🇧🇷

フォロー数:1705 フォロワー数:827

More Blaze drawing comigo up 👀👉🔥

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Morning Morning Valor ^^
~still on sleep but trying hard to stay awake

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A little preview of the new costume for halloween 2021 (and new profile pic 💀)

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While finishing this commission, I took the liberty of making some additions to certain arts.
Some variations of

lucario's sona

1. Spidercario (color palette inspired in Spider-Man from Capcom's Marvel Super Heroes
2. Werecario in Moolight's Fog
3. Sonic style

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Part. 1
There are many qualities I would like to mention. But in summary, Both the stroke shape, colors and the diversity of charismatic characters, are the qualities that I saw in your drawings and fell in love right away.

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Heyo Everyone XD!! What's up? Hope you have an Wonderful, Healty and a Awesome day for ya guys, enjoy your Thursday ^^.

Motivational Quote of the day:

10 24

Heyo Everyone XD!! What's up? Hope you have an Wonderful, Healty and a Awesome day for ya guys, enjoy your Saturday ^^. Btw, have you smiled today? If not, listen a few words from our furry friend to brighten your day ^^.

10 28

Wow, Your artstyle is neat dude QwQ✨. I would like to have this chance to participate in your raffle for sure
>:3 🥊.
Favorite Pokemon: Lucario (also, this would be his design ^^)
Favorite Digimon: Although I only follow up to the Digimon Frontier saga, I would choose Gaomon :3

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