

A comic artist and just a strange person. 😸
Sorry for my bad English.
Deviantart: deviantart.com/aynare
Tumblr: aynare-emanahitu-blog.tumblr.com

フォロー数:61 フォロワー数:260

Lord Atomos. One of the terrible villains in the universe. Belongs to the same species as the Lord Dominator. He's her father. Always goes in his armor and flies with a huge Armada of warships.

19 105

This is the end of the Chapter! To be continued.

2 7

Дайте народу 3 сезон, блеать!!!!

0 28

We have come to the first control point of the story (there will be 3 in the сhapter 2). 

1 6

When did you want to capture the planet, but something went wrong... Lol))

0 3